The Seven Spiritual Gifts from God

by Sheree Y. Colbert

“The Seven Spiritual Gifts from God,” describes the gifts that are
divinely given to us by our Heavenly Father. These gifts have been
given in the earth by way of Jesus, the Christ, in order to bring
fulfillment of Father God's master plan. These gifts are given to those
that He chooses. We should strive to understand how each of us can
obtain these gifts and replicate them among one another. The scripture
says that God is not a respecter of persons. So, this is a gift given to
whomever asks. These gifts have no material charge only a spiritual
one. The payment is our obedience. What purpose do we have on earth? We
have been commanded to love one another. “Let us hear the conclusion of
the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments: for this is the
whole duty of man.” (Ecclesiastes 12:13) This preamble, I believe is a
true God factor. Therefore, we must allow Father God to awaken the minds
of His people, the remnant. We must understand that we have a divine
purpose in the earth. At this present moment, we are needed, immensely,
to be a reflection of what is noble and right. This book is a reminder
of the spiritual gifts from God and how to use them.

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